Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Unexpected Essays - 9, Steve Andropoulos And Betsy Stewart
Unexpected It was a Saturday morning, and I thought it would be a good time to go to the beach with my friends since I had nothing to do for the rest of the week. So I decided to call my best friend Sarah to see if she wanted to drive with me down to the beach Unfortunately, she had a wedding to go to, so she was not able to make it. I was a little disappointed, but I decided to go to the beach by myself. I left home at 3:30 p.m. and arrived at 5:00 p.m. to the beach house. Everything looked the same wa as it did last summer when I came with my sister. The only difference was now I was alone, and that was little scary. The next morning I went to one of my favorite cafes The Italian Coffee. This Cafe held good memories since last summer I worked there. The owners Mr. Roger and Mrs. Roger told me that a job was available if I wanted to work. I thanked them, but e lained that I had other plans for the summer. I told them that the restaurant looked great since it had been renovated. It was very noisy and crowded, yet it had a wonderful atmosphere that customers like. Perhaps, it was the Italian music and the w derful smell of fresh coffee that attracted them. Suddenly a lady came over to my table and asked, '' How are you, Raquel?'' I told her, '' I'm sorry Maam I don't recognize you!. She replied, ''Oooh, Raquel , I'm Elizabeth's aunt''. I said, ''Of course, excuse me''. We started talking about h the place was crowded, and she told me that she had to meet a friend here, but she had not shown up. I told her that it was nice seeing here, but I was expecting a call and I had to go. She promised me she was going to tell Elizabeth to call me so w could get together for lunch soon. When I got home to check the answering machine, the telephone rang. It was mom. She said that Sarah was planning to come Monday, and if I needed anything to give her a call. I thanked her and said,'' You are not going to believe where I just came fr ?. She quickly replied, ''Don't even ask it '' The Italian Coffee''. '' You are right '' I giggled. '' The Rogers are doing great, working like crazy trying to make everything perfect '', I added. She said, '' Honey, I'll give you a call Friday n ht OK!. Good bye!''. So far my day was going great. I sat down and watched MTV. It was a re-run of '' The Real World''. I quickly fell asleep on the couch for two hours and was awakened by the door bell. It was Claudia Roger explaining that her mother had told her that was in town, so she decided to drop by. I told her , '' I'm glad you came by. Are you doing anything for lunch?''. When Claudia told me that she was available, we decided to go to the Dixie to get a cheese burger. On the way to the Dixie , we made a quick stoop by the shoe store to ask Mr. Edwards to tell his daughter that I was going to meet her at 5 o'clock so we could play volley ball with my friends. Mr. Edwards was concerned because he had eard rumors about a kidnapper in town. Since Elizabeth and I were running late , we didn't really pay munch attention to what he was saying. When we got home, Claudia left to go to work. Feeling in the mood for going to the beach, I packed all my th gs and drove there. When I got to the beach I couldn't find my friends, so I grabbed a magazine and all of the sudden felt asleep. Waking from my nap, I had a premonition that something bad was going to happen. I went back to the shoe store in the mall to tell Mr. Edwa s that I didn't see his daughter down at the beach. He didn't know where she was either. He became hysterical and decided to close the store for the rest of the day. We decided to search the whole area including the mall first, but we couldn't find r . We called the police
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Wilfred Owen â⬠War Poems
Wilfred Owen ââ¬â War Poems Free Online Research Papers Wilfred Owen wrote the war poems, Anthem for doomed youth and Dulce et Decorum est and Siegfred Sassoon wrote The Hero. They are all based on how ghastly and atrocious world wars are and that any man fighting in them deserves more. In the poem Dulce et Decorum est Wilfred Owen puts his attitude towards war and his fellow soldiers very strongly. Dulce et Decorum est is translated to mean it is sweet and right to die for your country, which therefore automatically makes us feel that Wilfred Owen is with the idea of war but that is not true. As all through the poem he contradicts himself up all the way to the last sentence. ââ¬ËThe old lie; Dulce et Decorum est pro patria moriââ¬â¢ This was extremely clever by Wilfred Owen as he contradicted himself it stood out the most and makes it seem as if he detested war more than anything and that the title was therefore just a giving a sarcastic approach towards the idea of war. Consequently this leads on to the idea that war was being lied about and that the communication between those at home and those on the front was virtually non-existent as those sitting in their armchairs at home thought that the soldierââ¬â¢s were havin g the time of their lives. He describes strongly the mood and how mentally and physically ill all these soldiers were. ââ¬ËKnock-Kneed, coughing like hags we cursed through the sludgeââ¬â¢ This is an extremely powerful sentence that constructs a vivid image in your mind and helps you to relate the terror and repulsive conditions that these soldiers were going through. Research Papers on Wilfred Owen - War PoemsMind TravelThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsWhere Wild and West MeetCapital Punishment19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeQuebec and CanadaHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Effects of Illegal Immigration
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Importance of Sales Force for Promoting the Business Activities Assignment - 2
The Importance of Sales Force for Promoting the Business Activities - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that Saxon Plumbing Services London Ltd (SPSL) is a plumbing service providing company established in the year 2000. The business operations of the company are directed by two brothers who are Peter Blair and Harvey Blair. There are around 40 employees working for the company. It is located in South London offering plumbing services to small as well as medium-sized retailers, insurance companies and manufacturers. The company possesses a better image and provides superior quality products or services in the market segments. In this respect, it has been observed that the gross profit of the company is around à £1.2 million. à SPSL with its new office in Manchester is required to adopt certain promotional techniques with the objective of executing its business activities in an efficient manner. Moreover, the company has adopted promotional tools such as website, newspaper and word-of-mouth communication. In this regard, the company has pro posed to adopt business-to-business (B2B) marketing with the intention of developing the healthier relationship with its customers. Moreover, the company has planned to acquire B2B with the aim of building the better relationship with its clients and customers. In future, the company also might decide to acquire Business-to-Consumer (B2C) marketing with the intention of improving the effectiveness of their business activities. SPSL with the utilization of the sales force will be able to develop the better relationship with clients or customers. The company with the assistance of sales force will be effective in conveying the message of the company as well as in building an enhanced image in the market segments. The incorporation of the sales force will assist the company in communicating with customers as well as acquiring important information in relation to their attitude towards the products or services of the company. The sales force will enable SPSL in developing and maintainin g a healthier relationship with customers.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
What I did during my internship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
What I did during my internship - Essay Example I was later introduced to everyone who I would be working closely within athletics and later told me about his career path and how he got started. Mr. Brave resume displayed that he had lots of experience in the production field. Heââ¬â¢s started learning the production end of television at an early age of 13. I was given a tour of all of the athletics facilities on campus and I was also taught about all the different machines and their functions. Every facility had something unique about them and most of the facilities had to share a lot of the same equipment as well. Later during that week I found out that I was going to be working about baseball and softball games. I would be assisting in enabling people to follow USF softball and baseball games from home which I found exciting because I have always been a sports fan. As my passion for the game continued to develop, it lead me into a field that I never thought I had an interest for, which is sports reporting. Things started to get busy on my second week of internship. I began getting hands on doing editing with the aid of Final Cut Pro. I have had prior experience using final cut pro while taking broadcast news, but it was during the internship that I was really able to develop my editing skills. My broadcast news professor was not very skilled in this application and so although I was familiar with the basics, getting hands on was the best way to really understand how it works. It was during my second week that I was asked to put together a highlight film for the menââ¬â¢s and womenââ¬â¢s basketball team. I found it really interesting because I am a basketball fan, and I totally understand the game and this kind of sport in general. I also know most personalities behind the industry. I went about finding important clips and editing them to craft a story that is both interesting and compelling to the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
GM Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
GM Research - Essay Example Research studies also show that this plant is capable of preventing lipid accumulation in the body thereby helping in weight loss. Natural Garcinia has a certain concentration of the active chemical. However, with the accelerating percentage of people turning towards Garcinia for easy weight loss has been the main focus of genetic engineers. The rind of the fruit was used to make medicinal extracts. Genetic engineers have modified the plant such that the active chemical is now produced in the rind as well as in the endosperm (pulp) of the fruit Trials were conducted on animals (rabbits). No serious condition was noticed in animal trials. Mild ocular irritation occurred when the extract was given in the right eye (Ohia et al,2002), however no literature so far suggest that the extract causes any health problems in humans. Traditionally the agriculture industry has been the best supporter and beneficiary from innovative technology. Interbreeding and natural selection of plant traits have been a common method to grow naturally modified crops for better yield and plant characters. However, the same technique in the laboratory has been developed paving way for the much debated genetically modified crops. Genetically modified crops are not only important to science and researchers but are of immense importance to the farmers as well. The growth projection of GMOââ¬â¢s is directly proportional to the profits of farmers growing the GMOââ¬â¢s. Contrary to the most common perception that growth of genetically modied organisms or plants are anti-democratic in nature, studies and surveys have established that growing these GMOââ¬â¢s are in fact much more beneficial than growing the ordinary forms of the same crop or plants.â⬠In countries where farmers are allowed to grow GM crops, they increasingl y choose to do so. In 2010, 15.4 million farmers in 29 countries cultivated GM cropsâ⬠(James,2010). Growing Garcinia Cambogia will
Friday, November 15, 2019
Stability Testing of Nifedeipine
Stability Testing of Nifedeipine Syed Masood Hassan Akbari Practical 2 Stability study of Nifedipine INTRODUCTION Nifedipine is considered as a prototype compound of the dihydropyridine class of calcium channel antagonists. Nifedipine is a selective arterial dilator, and also is used in the treatment of hypertension, angina and cardiovascular disorders. The drawback associated with nifedipine is that it can undergo photo degradation thus escalating in loss of pharmacological activity. This process involves the reduction of the aromatic nitro group to nitroso group or the oxidation of the dihydropyridine ring to a pyridine ring. Nifedipine synthesizers make use of light resistant coating to reduce their photo degradation. It has been found out that due to poor storage conditions the clinical efficacy of nifedipine can drop drastically. In order to fix this a selection of ingredients within the dosage form can be altered or enhanced in order to minimise photosensitivity. Ion-exchange beads are solid and suitably are high molecular weight polyelectrolytes that can easily exchange their mobile ions of equal charge with neighbouring medium reversibly. The ion-exchange bead can form a complex with nifedipine and its utility used to embrace drug in light natures. Instability of the drug product may lead to a reduction in the bioavailability of the drug. It is also highly important that the patients do receive their uniform does of the drug throughout the whole of the shelf life of the product. This experiment goes through the photodecomposition kinetics of nifedipine at zero-order when the reaction commences. As the reaction proceeds further to 50% the kinetics of the reaction changes to first-order. Figure 1: Represents nifedipine degradation at the two different wavelengths shown above. This experiment consisted of 3 main components: Determining the stability of nifedipine using HPLC at various time intervals. Estimating the half-life for the disappearing drug. Examining the relative stability of the drug as powder and in solution. EXPERIMENTAL For HPLC 20mg of nifedipine was weighed out and placed in a 100ml volumetric flask using the mobile phase to top up the flask. The resulting solutions colouration was noted and transferred to a beaker and covered with paraffin. A small insertion was made to take up 2ml of the solution into an injection using a 0.2à µm filter. The time was noted and the sample was loaded and run immediately and the beaker was covered with paraffin and placed on a ledge where sunlight was present and after every 15 min intervals the sample was injected into the apparatus and it was run. After each run was carried out the peak area for each of the runs were recorded. For stability in solid form 100mg of the solid sample of nifedipine was weighed out in a weighing boat and spread out evenly and placed on a window ledge with proper Irish sunlight for a duration of 2 hours. The appearance was noted before and after the time lapsed. The solid sample was then homogenised and 20mg was taken and placed in a 100ml volumetric flask and made up to the mark with the mobile phase. Straight away 2ml solution was taken and placed on a 0.2à µm filter and was ready for injection. The peak area of the solid sample was recorded in the report. RESULTS CONCLUSIONS Determination of the stability of nifedipine solid and liquid samples with sunlight. Table 1: Shows the nifedipine run time with 15 minute intervals, the solid form and a UV sample. The illustrations below show the HPLC peaks at various time intervals with their retention times, peak area and heights. Figure 2: Depicts nifedipine at T0. Figure 3: Depicts nifedipine at T20. Figure 4: Depicts nifedipine at T35. Figure 5: Depicts nifedipine at T50. Figure 6: Depicts nifedipine at T65. Figure 7: Depicts nifedipine at T80. Figure 8: Depicts nifedipine at T95. Figure 9: Represents the peak area plotted against time of nifedipine degradation taken at 15 minute intervals. After carrying out the experiment it can be said looking at the data that the reaction kinetics are of zero order at least from T0-T80. At T95 it is seen that the peak gets a bit broad it can show that a new peak is starting to form, it the experiment had continued for at least 45 minutes more then it could have been the start of the first order reaction kinetics. Therefore it can be deduced that according to the data attained the reaction kinetics are still at zero order during data acquisition. From the graph using the equation: y = a + bx b = slope = -12046.1 +/- 841.833 The half-life of nifedipine was found using the equation: As we were dealing with zero order kinetics so, r = k Using, t1/2 = In(2)/k t1/2 = 0.693/0.988 t1/2 = 0.701 According to the data gathered it is seen that the solid sample of nifedipine resembles to the first T0 liquid sample. By this observation a person can say that the solid state sample did not show any signs of degradation after the 2 hour window. The colour of the liquid samples were changing from yellow at T0 to faint yellow at T80. On the other hand for the solid sample from the light yellow powder after the 2 hour window a layer of dark yellow powder was seen and the powder was mixed around and it was seen the underlying solid particles still retained the same colour of light yellow. According to the UV data at T0 and Ãâ â⬠ºmax of 334 it generated an absorbance of 0.604. Whereas for the T100 with a Ãâ â⬠ºmax of 279 generated an absorbance of 1.064. QUESTIONS Comment on the relative photostability of solid and solution nifedipine in daylight. The solid sample of nifedipine after being expose to 2 hours of Irish sunlight visual observation showed a darker colour change from light yellow to a darker but when the powder was mixed the underlying layer was of the same light colouration as it started with. And after the 2 hours window the HPLC result showed no degradation at all. This could be due to the practical being carried out in doors and the lack of the photons getting to the solid sample. On the other hand in the liquid sample things were not much better from a yellow solution starting at T0 ââ¬â T80 there was no colour change but after performing the next HPLC the colour had gone faint yellow. If the apparatus would have been given 45 minute more the results attained would be of first order kinetics. As it stands it is zero order kinetics. What type of reaction is the nifedipine decomposition? Reduction What other decomposition reactions do you think nifedipine might undergo? Oxidation What are the implications of your observations for the proper handling and storage of nifedipine? Manufacturers of nifedipine products use light resistant coating or packing to minimize their photodegradation. Long term exposure to sunlight or artificial light may also occur if nifedipine formulations are inappropriately stored by patients. Poor storage conditions may potentially decrease clinical efficacy of nifedipine. What validation do you think might be important in the type of analysis you performed today? ââ¬Å"Validation of an analytical method is the process that establishes by laboratory studies, that the performance characteristics of the method meet the requirements for the intended analytical applications.â⬠The typical analytical characteristics used in method validation vary but the relevant one for this experiment is stability, system suitability and system sensitivity. ââ¬Å"Prepared sample/ standard stability is defined as the ability of the analyte to remain stable in the diluent at the test concentration specified in the analytical method.â⬠System suitability testing is an integral part of many analytical procedures. The tests are based on the concept that the samples to be analysed constitute an integral system that can be evaluated as such. System suitability is determined by various methods. Any one or a combination of the following may be written into the method as necessary for using the method for routine post validation: Resolution ensures that closely eluting compounds are resolved from each other and establishes the resolving power of the system. It contains as close as is possible to a complete sample matrix. Finally capacity factor is a measure of the time the solute spends in the stationary phase relative to the time it spends in the mobile phase.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
America: The Land of Opportunities Essay -- Careers Education Economic
America: The Land of Opportunities In modern day society, a college degree leads to people making specific assumptions about an individualââ¬â¢s capabilities, which proceed to shape social generalizations that may assist or inhibit the success of an individual in the economic system or job market. Universal standards form throughout the job market as a result of those assumptions made about students who attend college that may not encourage a full understanding of an individualââ¬â¢s ability to perform his duties. The assumptions made about a college education demonstrate the general principles of reductionism, in which people follow a logical approach according to his observations. As reductionists correlate the type of college degree to an individualââ¬â¢s intelligence, the overdeterminist looks to consider an individualââ¬â¢s surroundings and experiences (which include the education received) while evaluating an individualsââ¬â¢ aptitude. This social process becomes apparent not only in my own person al life, as I reflect upon the way in which society views me because I attend Mount Holyoke college, but also through the charactersââ¬â¢ lives in the films: Mississippi Masala and the Boiler Room. I look to reevaluate the importance that the job market places on a college education, as well as the consequential economic trap that follows from the construction of assumptions. Society assumes that people who attend prestigious universities are capable and astute individuals. After having told people that I go to Mount Holyoke College, I have had people expect that I am a capable and intelligent woman solely based on the universityââ¬â¢s image. While serving at a restaurant over the summer, customers frequently treated me with more respect as they found o... ..., the amount of exceptions to those clearly laid out generalizations may appear minute and trivial now, but they could grow to a catastrophic level as the theory expands on a macro level and becomes an unquestionable mentality in the job market. By affirming assumptions throughout society, it will eventually lead to huge misconceptions about groups of people that may be completely unwarranted. Although it clarifies situations, its also minimizes the complexity and ignores truths that should be considered, for example, when evaluating an applicant in the job market. Also due to the simplicity and attractiveness in the logic, a perpetuating cycle evolves that intensifies the class processes. By offering me an opportunity simply on the basis that I attend Mount Holyoke, both Mount Holyoke alumni and society follow image and deny others chances through erroneous means.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Miss Julie Essay
August Strindberg was known as a father of naturalism. Throughout Miss Julie Strindberg uses animal imagery to explain the behavior throughout the play. In the play, Miss Julie is obsessed with the animals. The animals are used to symbolize her behavior. Jean the manorââ¬â¢s thirty year old valet describes Miss Julie as wild and crazy. At this point he is talking to Kristen, his fiance and the manorââ¬â¢s cook. In the play dog imagery is used a lot . For example when Jean was explaining to Kristin how Miss Julie acted towards her fiance right before the engagement ended. They were down at the stables one evening, and Miss Julie was training himââ¬âthatââ¬â¢s what she called it. Do you know how? She made him leap over her riding crop, the way you teach a dog to jump. Twice he jumped, and got a cut each time; but the third time, he snatched the whip out of her hand, broke it into a thousand pieces and went off (Strindberg 72). According to Jean Miss Julie teaching her ex fiance to jump over her riding crop like a dog showed that Miss Julieââ¬â¢s had a dominant side. She was trying to make him into her slave she treated him like a dog. A dog is suppose to be a manââ¬â¢s best friend because dogs are suppose to be extremely loyal pets to their owners. Miss Julie saw it as her being the owner taking all the control and her ex fiance being the dog listening to every word she said. She kept treating him like a dog trying to train him until he got sick of it and broke her riding crop right before the engagement ended. Diana, Miss Julieââ¬â¢s dog is used to symbolize Miss Julie when referring to the social class status. It was said that Diana looked just like her Mistress. Miss Julieââ¬â¢s dog in the play got impregnated by the gatekeeperââ¬â¢s dog, a mongrel. Just like her mistress whoââ¬â¢s trying to seduce her servant not caring about the different class he falls into. Miss Julie became very coquettish after her engagement ended and she started acting more wild and crazy than usual. I went with the Count to the station and on my way back passed the barn I just stopped by for a dance. And who do I see but her ladyship with the gamekeeper, leading the dance? But as soon as she claps eyes on me, she comes rushing straight on over and invites me to join her in the ladies waltz. And how she waltzed ! ââ¬âIââ¬â¢ve never known the like. Sheââ¬â¢s crazy! (Strindberg 71). She would go out dancing more often in order not to face her father the Count. She considered Jean a very good dancer and would often ask him to dance as well. Miss Julie wanted someone who could lead and that would not make her look ridiculous on the dance floor. At that point all Jean said to Miss Julie was ââ¬Å" As your Ladyship commands, I am at your serviceâ⬠(Strindberg 74). Miss Julie then replies ââ¬Å" Donââ¬â¢t take it as a command. This evening we are all just enjoying ourselves together, and any rank is laid aside. So give me your arm (Strindberg 75). Miss Julie then goes off to dance with Jean leaving Kristin alone. Jean returns back alone to Kristin telling her how crazy Miss Julie is and what a way she has of dancing while people laughed at her behind closed doors. To benefit herself Miss Julie told Jean that class ranks did not matter at the moment. She wanted to have a good time with someone who knew how to dance and that could lead her in the dance as well. The sexual affair between the dogs represent the sexual affair between Miss Julie and Jean and how they both look down on each other. Miss Julie looks down on Jean for just being another one of her servants and Jean looks down on Miss Julie for seeming so easy, for the way she flirted with him and for acting so crazy and wild. Miss Julie starts to confess the love she has for him while he sat there and spoke all the pretty stories she wanted to hear before he switched the role and starting saying some awful things to her. He found Miss Julie giving herself up to him quickly that he took it to his advantage to use her for her money until she told him she did not have any money for the plans he had made.
Friday, November 8, 2019
50 Million Years of Whale Evolution
50 Million Years of Whale Evolution The basic theme of whale evolution is the development of large animals from much smaller ancestorsand nowhere is this more evident than in the case of multi-ton sperm and gray whales, whose ultimate forebears were small, dog-sized prehistoric mammals that prowled the riverbeds of central Asia 50 million years ago. Perhaps more intriguingly, whales are also a case study in the gradual evolution of mammals from fully terrestrial to fully marine lifestyles, with corresponding adaptations (elongated bodies, webbed feet, blowholes, etc.) at various key intervals along the way. Until the turn of the 21st century, the ultimate origin of whales was shrouded in mystery, with scarce remains of early species. That all changed with the discovery of a huge trove of fossils in central Asia (specifically, the country of Pakistan), some of which are still being analyzed and described. These fossils, which date from only 15 to 20 million years after the demise of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, prove that the ultimate ancestors of whales were closely related to artiodactyls, the even-toed, hooved mammals represented today by pigs and sheep. The First Whales - Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, and Rodhocetus In most ways, Pakicetus (Greek for Pakistan whale) was indistinguishable from other small mammals of the early Eocene epoch: about 50 pounds or so, with long, dog-like legs, a long tail, and a narrow snout. Crucially, though, the anatomy of this mammals inner ears closely matches that of modern whales, the main diagnostic feature that places Pakicetus at the root of whale evolution. One of Pakicetus closest relatives was Indohyus (Indian pig), an ancient artiodactyl with some intriguing marine adaptations, such as a thick, hippopotamus-like hide. Ambulocetus, aka the walking whale, flourished a few million years after Pakicetus and already displayed some distinctly whale-like characteristics. Whereas Pakicetus led a mostly terrestrial lifestyle, occasionally dipping into lakes or rivers to find food, Ambulocetus possessed a long, slender, otter-like body, with webbed, padded feet and a narrow, crocodile-like snout. Ambulocetus was much bigger than Pakicetusabout 10 feet long and 500 pounds, much closer to a blue whale than a guppyand probably spent a significant amount of time in the water. Named after the region of Pakistan where its bones were discovered, Rodhocetus shows even more striking adaptations to an aquatic lifestyle. This prehistoric whale was genuinely amphibious, crawling up onto dry land only to forage for food and (possibly) give birth. In evolutionary terms, though, the most telling feature of Rodhocetus was the structure of its hip bones, which werent fused to its backbone and thus provided it greater flexibility when swimming. The Next Whales - Protocetus, Maiacetus, and Zygorhiza The remains of Rodhocetus and its predecessors have been found mostly in central Asia, but the larger prehistoric whales of the late Eocene epoch (which were able to swim faster and farther) have been unearthed in more diverse locations. The deceptively named Protocetus (it wasnt really the first whale) had a long, seal-like body, powerful legs for propelling itself through the water, and nostrils that had already begun to migrate halfway up it foreheada development foreshadowing the blowholes of modern whales. Protocetus shared one important characteristic with two roughly contemporary prehistoric whales, Maiacetus, and Zygorhiza. The front limbs of Zygorhiza were hinged at the elbows, a strong clue that it crawled onto land to give birth, and a specimen of Maiacetus (meaning good mother whale) has been found with a fossilized embryo inside, positioned in the birth canal for terrestrial delivery. Clearly, the prehistoric whales of the Eocene epoch had a lot in common with modern giant tortoises! The Giant Prehistoric Whales By about 35 million years ago, some prehistoric whales had attained gigantic sizes, bigger even than modern blue or sperm whales. The largest genus yet known is Basilosaurus, the bones of which (discovered in the mid-19th century) were once thought to belong to a dinosaurhence its deceptive name, meaning king lizard. Despite its 100-ton size, Basilosaurus possessed a relatively small brain and didnt use echolocation when swimming. Even more important from an evolutionary perspective, Basilosaurus led a fully aquatic lifestyle, birthing as well as swimming and feeding in the ocean. Contemporaries of Basilosaurus were much less fearsome, perhaps because there was only room for one giant mammalian predator in the undersea food chain. Dorudon was once thought to be a baby Basilosaurus; only later was it realized that this small whale (only about 16 feet long and half a ton) merited its own genus. And the much later Aetiocetus (which lived about 25 million years ago), though it weighed only a few tons, shows the first primitive adaptation to plankton feedingsmall plates of baleen alongside its ordinary teeth. No discussion of prehistoric whales would be complete without a mention of a fairly new genus, the aptly named Leviathan, which was announced to the world in the summer of 2010. This 50-foot-long sperm whale weighed only about 25 tons, but it seems to have preyed on its fellow whales along with prehistoric fish and squids, and it may have been preyed on in turn by the largest prehistoric shark of all time, the Basilosaurus-sized Megalodon.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Theoretical Framework Essays
Theoretical Framework Essays Theoretical Framework Essay Theoretical Framework Essay Vida (2007) noted that since the mid 1990s when Elisabeth Hirschman, expressed the need for researchers to explore the ââ¬Ëdark-sideââ¬â¢ of consumer behaviors, literatures investigating and explaining the various factors that influence consumer purchase behaviors, especially with regard to illegal or counterfeit products, have increased considerably. Building on the willingness to pay concept, Vida conceived explored consumers willingness to purchase fake products. The author contended that demographic and socio-economic factors like age, gender, education, marital status, income and religiosity shape consumers attitude towards counterfeits, innovativeness (desire to be unique) and social pressure. These three, in turn, influence consumers willingness to purchase counterfeit products. Also, Xuemei and Veloutsou (2005) in their exploratory study, also reports that personal and social factors significantly influence consumers purchase behaviors. The authors contended that personal and social factors such as: value consciousness, normality susceptibility, novelty seeking and collectivism, and five attitude measures: reliability of the product in question, functionality of the product, recognized social benefits of purchasing the product, risks of purchasing and legality of purchasing, influence consumer purchase of counterfeit products. The study found that novelty seeking significantly influences consumer purchase of counterfeits products due to the similar or sometimes, superior quality of counterfeit products. Moreover, in a more elaborate study, Augusto de Matos, Ituassu and Rossi (2007) also found that price quality inference and previous experience, among others, significantly increases the chances of consumers purchasing fake products. This study, drawing from the findings of the studies mentioned above, contends that a consumer attitude towards counterfeit product greatly influences their purchase behavior. It also hypotheses that previous experience with safety concerns, quality of counterfeits with respect to the price, and the intention to use counterfeits to test the product before purchasing the genuine brands, shape consumer attitudes towards counterfeit and subsequently, their purchasing of counterfeit products. Augusto de Matos, Ituassu and Rossi (2007) rightly point out that quality and price are two fundamental factors that shape consumer purchase behavior. Traditionally, consumers believe that lower priced products are of lower quality, and this is largely the case with deceptive counterfeit products. However, with non-deceptive counterfeits products, consumers are offered products of similar or superior quality, compared to the genuine products, at lower prices. The combination of low price and high quality is bound to improve consumer attitudes towards counterfeits. For this reason, it is expected that: Counterfeits with superior quality enhances consumersââ¬â¢ perception and attitudes towards counterfeit products. Safety concerns are one of the most important issues with counterfeit products. These products have been known to pose significant threat to consumer health and safety, especially when it concerns medications and household items. However, not all consumers consider counterfeit goods to be unsafe or dangerous. It is expected that: Consumers who consider counterfeit goods to be unsafe and dangerous will have unfavorable attitudes towards counterfeit products, and vice versa. Lastly, novelty seeking can also influence consumer attitude towards counterfeit products. This feeling refers to individuals need for a sense of worth or social recognition; people always want to be seen as special and capable of affording material things. The increasing materialism in the world means that people that cannot afford the finer things of life feel unworthy. Since the presence of cheaper and yet quality counterfeit products provide the opportunity to afford these luxuries, individuals in the lower economic range are often willing to purchase such counterfeit products. Thus, it is expected that the sense of novelty influences consumer attitude towards counterfeit products.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Gender Equality and Social Institutions in USA and United Arab Essay
Gender Equality and Social Institutions in USA and United Arab Emirates - Essay Example It is clear from the discussion that in both USA and United Arab Emirates the education system followed in English, even though Arabic is taught in UAE. USA is famous as superpower and UAE is famous for its oil wealth. Both the countries are well known as the tourist destination. Both America and UAE has a large population of expatriates and is haven for migrant workers who look for better prospects in life and career. Just like America, UAE also consists of different states which are called ââ¬Å"emirateâ⬠unitedly known as UAE. The currency of UAE is closely as valuable as American Dollar. Both American and UAE have a high living expense and high standard of living. The citizens of UAE like Americans lead a comfortable and quality life. Both these countries have a strict law system and criminals are punished severely once convicted. UAE like America has a population of an indigenous tribe who were early descendants of the country. In general USA and UAE, both allow freedom of religion to its citizens. The population of UAE is also similar to Americans in food habit as they love junk food. They too like Americans mainly follow a meat-based diet along with vegetables. Since UAE like the USA is a very modern, free-market country, people enjoy indulging in new products and different varieties of fast foods. For the very same reason, both countries have high obesity rates among citizens. The primary and prominent difference between both the countries is the religion they follow. UAE is an Islamic country and USA is predominantly a country which follows Christianity.UAE has Islamic laws governing the country whereas the USA is a secular nation. American is a highly liberal nation and gives complete freedom to its citizens whereas, UAE nationals are bound by Islamic laws. The USA has a government system whereas UAE is ruled by royal family of the nation. The national language of USA is English whereas UAE follows Arabic as their national language. The USA is a country with regions of varied geographical nature and climate, but UAE is a desert region and most part of the year is hot and humid. The geographical area of both these countries also varies drastically. USA is a huge country whereas UAE is a tiny country.UAE nationals unlike Americans are family oriented and are closely connected with family members. Among UAE nationals, the private functions are attended by men and women separately. The marriage ceremonies and other functions are truly Islamic law based. When it comes to the costume of UAE nationals they follow traditional outfit whereas American is casual and trendy in their dress sense. One will only find UAE men in white robe and women in a Black hijab with a veil on their face. America is famous for its pop culture and fast life but UAE follows Bedouin culture and lives a life which is medium paced.UAE imposes a restriction on dressing code, alcohol, and vulgarity in public while America is pretty much liberal.
Friday, November 1, 2019
JETBLUE CASE STUDY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
JETBLUE CASE STUDY - Research Paper Example However, a disturbing fact about turnover of Jetblue is that, far from increased percentages of sales over the years, the percentages are actually falling. Sales for 2006 constituted a 36% increase over 2005, but sales proportion of 2007 is only around 20% increase over 2006. It is imperative that sales growth is consistent through larger quantum of sales and revenues over profitable segments. Coming to variable costs, it is seen that the proportion is larger for variable costs rather than fixed. Aircraft fuel, as expected, holds the largest chunk. Rising fuel prices is one of the principal risks in the airline business. Jet fuel costs were considered the second largest operating cost in the airline industry, after staff costs. Coming to hedging it is seen that occasionally the company should purchase crude oil options contract or swap agreements. These commodity prices are connected with aircraft fuel, making derivative of them effective. These are short term measures designed to co unteract against steep increases in prices of aircraft fuels. Lower distribution costs, lower selling overheads and higher instance of productive output. This has been brought about by use of electronic ticketing and maximum use of internet services for airliners. Only two types of aircrafts in use: The... Coming to variable costs, it is seen that the proportion is larger for variable costs rather than fixed. Aircraft fuel, as expected, holds the largest chunk. Rising fuel prices is one of the principal risks in the airline business. Jet fuel costs were considered the second largest operating cost in the airline industry, after staff costs. Coming to hedging it is seen that occasionally the company should purchase crude oil options contract or swap agreements. These commodity prices are connected with aircraft fuel, making derivative of them effective. These are short term measures designed to counteract against steep increases in prices of aircraft fuels. Four possible reasons on how the company has, up to now, managed and achieved low operating costs are as follows. Lower distribution costs, lower selling overheads and higher instance of productive output. This has been brought about by use of electronic ticketing and maximum use of internet services for airliners. Only two types of aircrafts in use: The Company flies only two types of aircrafts, A320 and Embraer 190. Thus, it is possible for Jetblue to plan and control its operations, servicing and maintenance. Moreover, its pilots are more comfortable flying aircrafts whose technical and flight systems are well known to them and this helps in attaining ultimate flight efficiencies and lower chances of accidents or operational malfunctioning. Higher aircraft utilization: By effective and harmonized scheduling of aircrafts, and well- planned movement control, it is able to spread its fixed costs over a larger number of flights and available seat miles. Some of their aircrafts are on day-and-night
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